1) those who deny ahl adh-dhikr from being `Ulema "as well"
Link: http://fahmalhadeeth.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-scholars-are-ahl-dhikr.html
2) those who accuse the Muhadditheen of concocting every single usool.
Link: http://fahmalhadeeth.blogspot.com/2014/12/defending-muhadditheen-from-forging.html
This article is a similar small effort to explain that After Qur`an was-Sunnah - Ijmaa` is the biggest of hujjah. So much so that many of the past scholars ; in fact a very large group of them said that even in the face of a khabar ul-waahid (a type of hadeeth) or a dhanni or ikhtalaafi hadeeth- Ijmaa` takes precedence
Note: All translations are rough but retaining the context of the quotes of scholars and i haven't inserted the `arabic script to keep it short . This compilation is a mixture of my notes , study and fatawa of Shaykh Zubayr `Ali Zai rahimahullah found in Maqalat 5 and Shaykh Fawzan hafidhahullah
I will not go into the defintion, the differences in it and etc. This is for the Muslims who don't put their thinking and intellect above the Ahlus sunnah of 14 centuries and accept Ijmaa` as a proof to some era atleast. As for those who don't accept it at all then they are from the deviated individuals about whom the prophet sallalahu `alayhi wa sallam said :
".....that whoever opposes the jama`ah then kill him [Saheeh Muslim]
and Ibn Hajar Asqalani rahimahullah explained that
"...a denier of Ijmaa` is included in the one who seperates the jama`ah"
[Ref: Fath ul-Bari 12/204] ,
And some of the salaf have made takfeer upon such a man , as will be shown below. So in this article i am directly going to jump to showing the validity and hujjah of ijmaa` in every era biidhnillahi ta`ala .