Saturday, March 28, 2015

Imam Hakim and Ibn Taymiyyah favouring the Arab coalition against Yemeni Houthis

Question by Takfeeris and neo Khawarij allies of Bashar al-Assad : How can we support Muslim rulers who (according to them) are fussaq and fujjar in their Jihaad against Kuffar (e.g Rawafidha)? 

Answer : Imamul Haafidh Abu Ahmad Muhammad famous as Hakimul Kabeer (d. 378 A.H) said in the book of `Aqeedah and Manhaj called "Beliefs of the people of Hadeeth (`Itiqaad Ashaabil Hadeeth) that among the beliefs of Ahl al-Hadeeth is that 

َالْجِهَادُ مَعَ كُلِّ خَلِيفَةٍ جِهَادُ الْكُفَّارِ، لَكَ جِهَادُهُ وَعَلَيْهِ شَرُّهُ، 

"To aid the khalifah in his Jihad against the disbelievers ; For you is the reward of Jihaad and for him is (the recompense of) his evil (if any) " 

[Ref: `Itiqaad Ashaabil Hadeeth, English translation page 7; Free Download :]

Imam ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said : 

فإنَّ القاهرة بقِي ولاة أمورها نحوَ مائتي سَنة على غيرِ شريعة الإسلام، وكانوا يُظهرون أنهم رافضة، وهم في الباطن إسماعيليَّة ونُصيرية وقرامطة باطنيَّة، كما قال فيهم الغزالي - رحمه الله تعالى - في كتابه الذي صنَّفه في الردِّ عليهم: (ظاهر مذهبهم الرَّفْض، وباطنه الكُفر المحض)، واتَّفق طوائف المسلمين؛ علماؤُهم وملوكهم وعامتهم مِن الحنفيَّة والمالكية والشافعيَّة والحنابلة وغيرهم على أنَّهم كانوا خارجين عن شريعةِ الإسلام، وأنَّ قتالهم كان جائزًا، بل نصُّوا على أنَّ نسبهم كان باطلاً، وأنَّ جَدَّهم كان عبيدالله بن ميمون القداح، لم يكن مِن آل بيت رسول الله - صلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم - وصنَّف العلماءُ في ذلك مصنَّفات، وشهِد بذلك مثلُ الشيخ أبي الحسن القدوري إمام الحنفيَّة، والشيخ أبي حامد الإسفرائيني إمام الشافعيَّة، ومِثل القاضي أبي يَعْلَى إمام الحنبليَّة، ومثل أبي محمد بن أبي زيد إمام المالكيَّة، وصنَّف القاضي أبو بكر بن الطيِّب فيهم كتابًا في كشف أسرارهم وسمَّاه: (كشف الأسرار وهتْك الأستار) في مذهب القَرامطة الباطنيَّة، والذين يُوجدون في بلادِ الإسلام من الإسماعيليَّة والنُّصيريَّة والدرزيَّة وأمثالهم مِن أتباعهم وهم الذين أعانوا التترَ على قِتال المسلمين، وكان وزير (هولاكو) النصير الطُّوسي من أئمَّتهم.

وهؤلاء أعظم الناس عداوةً للمسلمين وملوكهم، ثم الرافضة بعدَهم، فالرافضة يوالون مَن حارَبَ أهلَ السُّنة والجماعة، ويوالون التتار، ويوالون النصارى، وقد كان بالساحل بيْن الرافضة وبيْن الفرنج مهادنةٌ حتى صارتِ الرافضة تحمل إلى قبرص خيل المسلمين وسلاحهم وغلمان السلطان وغيرهم مِن الجند والصبيان، وإذا انتصر المسلمون على التتار أقاموا المآتمَ والحزن، وإذا انتصَر التتار على المسلمين أقاموا الفرَح والسرور، وهم الذين أشاروا على التتار بقَتْل الخليفة وقتْل أهل بغداد، ووزير بغداد ابن العَلْقمي الرافضي هو الذي خامَر على المسلمين وكاتَب التتار حتى أدخلَهم أرض العراق بالمكر والخديعة، ونهى الناس عن قِتالهم.


They (the rawafidha who ally against Sunni states) are not Muslims (Khaarijin `an shari`atan Islam) in the judgement of all sects of Islam, that is, in the opinion of the scholars, the rulers and the masses of the Ahnaaf, Malikis, Shawafi and Hanabilah and others. Fighting them is therefore lawful ....Those of them - The Nizari Ismailis, the Nusayris (e.g Bashar assad), the Druzes and others like them - who live in Muslim lands (e.g now Yemen) have aided the Mongols in their war against against the Muslims. Indeed, hulegu's vazeer an-Nusayr (Nasirud deen) at-tusi was one of their Imams. They are the most notorious enemies of Muslims (sunnis) and the Muslim rulers (Sunni rulers). 

Next are the rawafidh (Fatimids and the iranians today) for they ally themselves with whoever fights against the sunnis [such as USA in Afghanisthan and Iraq] . They allied with the Mongols and the Christians . Indeed there was a truce between the rawafidh and the crusaders (al faranj - such as we see now the nuclear deal between west and iran) in the coastal areas.  The rawafidh would ship to Cyprus the Muslim horses and armour, the sultan's captive soldiers as well as other fighters and young warriors. 

When the Muslims defeat the Mongols, they mourn and are sad but when the Mongols defeat the Muslims (Sunnis) they celebrate and rejoice. They are the ones who advised Mongols to kill Abbasid caliph and massacre the people (Sunnis) of `Iraq (in 1258, just like how USA took Iran's help against Iraq and Afghanisthan ] 

Those knowledgeable about Islam know that the rawafidh (always) favour the enemies of Islam.....they are hypocrites (Munafiqoon)....the rawafidh are the most evil of people ........

[Ref: Majmoo al-Fatawa > Jihad > 28/635] 

Ibn Taymiyah also said:

"Many of them (the shias) had a greater inclination towards the disbelievers than towards the Muslims. Hence when the disbelieving Turks came out of the East and killed the Muslims, shedding their blood in Khorasan, Iraq, Syria, Mesopotamia and elsewhere, the Rafidis helped them against the Muslims. Similarly, in Damascus, Aleppo and elsewhere, some of the Rafidis were among those who offered the greatest help to them in fighting the Muslims. Then when the Christians (the Crusaders) fought the Muslims in Syria, the Rafidis were the greatest help to them. They always befriend the disbelievers, polytheists and Christians, helping them fight the Muslims and transgress against them.

[- Minhaj as Sunnah an Nabawiyyah 3/377-378, via faizan shaikh]


  1. In the first line the words in the brackets are not correct i.e. (the rawafidha who ally against Sunni states)... this is because if you look at the context, Shaykh ul Islam is talking about the Baatini Ismaeelis, like the Fatimids who ruled Egypt... he mentions that they used to portray themselves as Rawafidh, while they were in reality Baatiniyyah and Ismaeeliyyah...
    In the second para Shaykh ul Islam mentions the Rawafidh... "Next are the Rawafidh..." i.e. next to the Ismaeeli Baatiniyyah are the Rawafidh in their enmity towards Muslims... This is clear proof that those mentioned in the first para are not Rawafidh... moreover to put (Fatimids) in brackets here is not correct, because they have already mentioned in the first para...

    1. Brother Abu Ishaaq, the brackets are added only to be parallel with the title of the post. and not neccessarily in line with the context. the batinis and ismailis all linguistically come under the term rawafidha
