Saturday, October 5, 2013



It is narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no deed that is better before Allaah or more greatly rewarded than a good deed done in the (first) ten days of al-Adha.” It was said: “Not even jihad for the sake of Allaah?” He said: “Not even jihad for the sake of Allaah, unless a man goes out himself for jihad taking his wealth with him and does not come back with anything.”

[Ref: Narrated by al-Daarimi, 1/357; its isnaad is hasan as stated in al-Irwa’, 3/398.]

Prophet (Salla-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:"The best days of the Dunyah (this worldly life) are the ten days (of Dhul-Hijjah)" —  [Reported by al-Bazzar (1/234). It was authenticated by Shaykh al-Albani in Sahihul-Jami (no.1133).]

Ibn Hajar [May Allaah have Mercy on him] said in Fath al-Baaree:

What is apparent to me is that the reason for these ten days being so virtuous is because these ten days gather all the best forms of worship one can possibly do. These include as-Salaah, as-Saum, as-Sadaqah and Hajj, and these acts of worship cannot be combined except in the first ten days of Hajj.  End quote.

Ibn Rajab [May Allaah have Mercy on him] said in Lataa’if al-Ma’arif:

Allaah, the Glorified, has placed in the acts of worship that the believers do, sense of enjoyment as they perform the rituals to the Ancient House. This act of worship of Hajj cannot be carried out by everybody on an annual basis, therefore it has been made obligatory to do this ritual of Hajj once a lifetime and thus these ten days have been made virtuous so that those who are unable to come and are left in their homes are able to contribute and take part in the blessings of these ten days. End quote.

It was asked to Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [May Allaah have Mercy on him] which are the most virtuous, the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah or the last ten nights of Ramadhaan. He replied by saying:

The first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah are the best days throughout the year, even then the last ten days of Ramadhaan. However, the last ten nights of Ramadhaan are the best nights in the year including the first ten nights in Dhu al-Hijjah. End quote.

كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصوم تسع ذي الحجة ويوم عاشوراء وثلاثة أيام من كل شهر . أول اثنين من الشهر وخميسين

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to fast on the first nine days of Dhu’l-Hijjah and the day of ‘Ashoora’, and three days each month, the first Monday of the month and two Thursdays.

[Ref: Narrated by al-Nasaa’i, 4/205 and by Abu Dawood; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2/462.Some have classified as Da`eef, some have classified it as Saheeh/Hassan. Either ways, until a prohibition to this `amal of fasting isn't apparent there is no harm in fasting these days for if fasting on a regular day distances a Muslim from hellfire for a span of 70 years [Saheeh Muslim] then how about fasting during the first 9-10 days of Dhul Hijjah which are the most beloved of days to Allah? ]

It was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:There are no days that are greater before Allaah or in which good deeds are more beloved to Him, than these ten days, so recite a great deal of tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed during them.”

[Ref: Narrated by Ahmad, 7/224; its isnaad was classed as saheeh by Ahmad Shaakir 7/224 and 9/14 ; Also by many other scholars such as Al-Mundhari in Targheeb wa Tarheeb 2/191; Al-Haythami in Majma` az-Zawaid 4/20; by  الدمياطي in 153/ المتجر الرابح ; Al Busayri said this is Hassan in  إتحاف الخيرة المهرة 3/170 - and others. This is classified as weak by Shaykh Albaanee though]

Takbeer: Allahu akbar (God is most great)
Tahmeed: Al-hamdu Lillah (All praises be to God)
Tahleel: Laa ilaha ill-Allah (There is no god but Allah)
Tasbeeh: Subhaan-Allah (Glory be to God),

Even if this hadeeth is weak , yet the virtues of reciting the above tasbeeyaat are well known , some of which are  :

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ ، والْحَمْدُللّهِ ، وَ لا اِلهَ اِلَّا اللّهُ ، وَ اللّهُ اَكْبَرُ - SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar (Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God but Allah, Allah is the Greatest)

Prophet (s.a.w) said : "The above are mentioned as the four most beloved words to Allah. It does not matter with which one of them is begun"

[Sahih Muslim; #3:1685.]

Abu Sa`id reported that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "Perform the enduring goods deeds (al-baaqiyaat al-SaliHaat) more frequently." They asked, "What are these enduring good deeds?" The Prophet replied: Takbir [Allahu Akbar], Tahlil [la ilaha illallah], Tasbih [Subhan'Allah], alhamdulillah, and la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
[an-Nasa'ee and Hakim, who said its chain is sahih.]

سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ ، والْحَمْدُللّهِ ، وَ لا اِلهَ اِلَّا اللّهُ ، وَ اللّهُ اَكْبَرُ - SubhanAllah, walHamdulilah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, waAllahu Akbar (Glory be to Allah, All Praise is for Allah, There is No God but Allah, Allah is the Greatest)

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w said: “For me to say (the above) is dearer to me and all that the sun rises upon (ie the whole world)

[Sahih Muslim; #4:2072.]

Abu Musa al-Ashari (radiyAllahu'anhu) 
is reported to have said :
"The Du'aa is not rejected during these days of Dhul-Hijjah."

(Lataaif p. 377)

Some other Types of good deeds that one could do during these days may consists of  moving a rock from the road, greeting your brother, helping some old or blind man cross the road, planting a tree, reciting Qur`an, praying, fasting, giving in charity, upholding ties of kinship, learning and spreading Islam, donating to Islamic causes, sponsoring an orphan , so on and so forth. 


Some of these narrations have certain statements that are authentically proven from other ahadeeth, or are correct in meaning

ما من أيام أحب إلى الله أن يتعبد له فيها من عشر ذي الحجة يعدل صيام كل يوم منها بصيام سنة، وقيام كل ليلة منها بقيام ليلة القدر

"There are no days more beloved to Allaah that He is worshiped in except the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, fasting one of its days is equal to fasting a whole year, and staying up at night in prayer is equal to staying up on Laylatul Qadr."

 [Inauthentic: Abu 'Eesa [at Tirmidhee] stated: 'This Hadeeth is Ghareeb…', refer to: Da'eef Sunan at Tirmidhee, Da'eef Sunan ibn Maajah # 377, al Miskhkaat # 1471, Da'eef al Jaami' as Sagheer # 5161, Da'eef at Targheeb wat Tarheeb # 123 and as Silsilah ad Da'eefah # 5142.  Sunan an-Nasa`ee, Vol. 1, Book 7, Hadith 1728; Da`eef by al-Baghawi in Sharh as-Sunnah 2/624; Ibn Rajab in Fath al-Bari 6/119; Adh-Dhahabi in Meezan il-`Itidaal 4/100. This Hadeeth has different wordings. Also see Ibn Hajar's Fath al-Baaree (2/461) and Shu`aib al-Arna’oot declared this to be weak as well due to the narrators Mas`ood ibn Waasil and his teacher]  

من صام العشر فله بكل يوم صوم شهر ، وله بصوم يوم التروية سنة، وله بصوم يوم عرفة سنتان 

Whoever fasts the first ten [days of Dhul Hijjah] would receive [the reward of] a month's fast for every day, [the reward of] a year for fasting on the day of Tarwiyah (eight day of Dhul Hijjah) and [the reward of] two years for fasting on the day of 'Arafah."

[Fabricated: Ibn Hibbaan stated: 'It is so clear that this is a lie that it does not even need to be labeled.' Al Mawdoo'aat by Ibn al Jawzee: 2/112, al Fawaa-id al Majmoo'ah # 30 and Tanzeeh ash Sharee'ah al Marfoo'ah: 2/187] 

Note F.Y.I : For those who are unaware about the term 'Tarwiyah' then this day has its routes traced back to the pilgrimage of the prophet (s.a.w). See this :

Narrated 'Abdul 'Aziz bin Rufai: I asked Anas bin Malik, "Tell me what you remember from Allah's Apostle (regarding these questions): Where did he offer the Zuhr and 'Asr prayers on the day of tarwiya (8th day of Dhul-Hajja)?" He replied, "(He offered these prayers) at Mina." I asked, "Where did he offer the 'Asr prayer on the day of Nafr (i.e. departure from Mina on the 12th or 13th of Dhul-Hijja)?" He replied, "At Al-Abtah," and then added, "You should do as your chiefs do."  [Bukhari]

صيام أول يوم من العشر يعدل مائة سنة واليوم الثاني يعدل مائتي سنة فإذا كان يوم التروية يعدل ألف عام وصيام يوم عرفة يعدل ألفي عام

"Fasting the first day of the first ten days [of Dhul Hijjah] is equal to a hundred years, the second day is equal to two hundred years, fasting on the day of al Tarwiyah (eighth day of Dhul-Hijja)  is equal to a thousand years and fasting on the day of 'Arafah is equal to two thousand years."

 [Fabricated, refer to: Tadhkirat al Mawdoo'aat # 119, Mawsoo'at al Ahaadeeth was Aathaar ad Da'eefah wal Mawdoo'ah # 13434]

صوم يوم التروية كفارة سنة، وصوم يوم عرفة كفارة سنتين

"Fasting on the day of al Tarwiyah expiates a whole year and fasting on the day of 'Arafah expiates two years."

 [Inauthentic, refer to: Da'eef al Jaami' as Sagheer # 3501 and Irwaa al Ghaleel 4/121]
Also there are authentic ahadeeth indicating that fasting on the day of `Arafah expiates the sins of two years. See Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 22517 and graded as Saheeh by Albaanee (r.h) in Sahih in al-Irwa 4/111 Hadith 955

See this document for the rulings on Arafah :

كان يصوم تسع ذي الحجة ، ويوم عاشوراء ، وثلاثة أيام من كل شهر ؛ أول اثنين من الشهر ، والخميس ، والاثنين من الجمعة الأخرى

The Messenger of Allaah - صلى الله عليه وسلم - used to fast nine days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of 'Arafah, three days of every month, the first Monday of every month and Thursdays and Mondays after the second Jum'ah."

[Inauthentic, Az Zayla'ee stated: 'It is inauthentic.' refer to Da'eef al Jaami' as Sagheer # 4570. The statement in red represent the weak khabar]

This does not contradict the authentic ahadeeth that inform us regarding the prophet (s.a.w) fasting on Monday's and thursdays and the three days of evey month (Yaum al beed) . Rather the weakness to be paid attention to here is in the last sentence marked in red  

ما من أيام أفضل عند الله ولا العمل فيهن أحب إلى الله عز وجل من هذه الأيام - يعني من العشر - ، فأكثروا فيهن من التهليل والتكبير وذكر الله ، والعمل فيهن يضاعف بسبعمائة

There are no days that acts of worship are more beloved to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, except these days [i.e. the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah] so practice a lot of Tahleel, Takbeer and remembrance of Allaah. Actions in this month are multiplied by seven hundred."
[Inauthentic, refer to: Da'eef at Targheeb wat Tarheeb 1/364   *Abu 'Eesa (i.e. Imaam al-Tirmidhee) said after quoting this Hadeeth: “This Hadeeth is “Gharib” (strange), we do not know of it except as a narration of Mas`ood bin Waasil from An-Nahhaas. (He furthers said:) I asked Muhammad (i.e. Imaam al-Bukhaaree) about this Hadeeth and he did not know of it’s like from other than this route (i.e. there is no other chain of narration except for this one).The defect in this chain is because of Mas`ood bin Waasil who was declared as weak by Ibn Jawzi, Ad-Daraqutnee, Ibn Hajar, Sulaimaan bin Dawood al-Tayaalisee, al-Mizzie, al-Baghawi, al-Bayhaqi, adh-Dhahabi. Even his (Mas`ood bin Waasil's) teacher Nahhaas bin Qahm was declared to have a bad memory and weak by Yahya ibn Sa`eed, Abu Haatim al-Raazee, Abu Ja`far al-`Uqaili , Abu Haatim bin Hibbaan, Abu Dawood, An-Nasa`ee, adh-Dhahabi.] 

Now though this hadeeth via this route is classified to be weak but we have seen above in the authentic section how the reciting of Takbeer, Tahleel, Tamheed, Dhikr Allah is virtuous. Apart from this e have another general hadeeth wherein Allah says:

And it is reported from [the Prophet] – Allah bless him and grant him peace – that he said: ‘Every action from the son of Adam is multiplied [i.e in its reward]. Every good action has the likes of ten rewards or multiplied up to seven hundred times
[Muslim, Sahih (#1151).]

So what could be said is that we don't have an authentic narration that describes the exact number or amount of reward during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah let alone for the entire month and this is apparent as the above hadeeth is weak . However the virtues of Dhikr Allah and the number of times Allah may multiply a reward in general are known and a slave may expect the same In sha allah during these beloved days of Dhul Hijjah but without affirming it's attribution to the prophet or Allah as the ahadeeth in regards to the specific numbers/amount of reward during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are weak. 

عن الأوزاعي رحمه الله قال : بلغني أن العمل في اليوم من أيام العشر كقدر غزوة في سبيل الله ، يصام نهارها ويحرس ليلها ، إلا أن يختص امرؤ بشهادة 

حدثني بهذا الحديث رجل من بني مخزوم عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم 

On the authority of Al Awzaa'ee - may Allaah have mercy upon him: "It has reached me that actions of worship in the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are equal to battling in the cause of Allaah. Its days are spent in fasting and its nights are spent in prayer, except a man who has been specified with Shahaadah." A man from Banee Makhzoom narrated this to me on the authority of the Prophet - صلى الله عليه وسلم.

 [Inauthentic, refer to: Da'eef at Targheeb wat Tarheeb 1/365. Translator’s note: The meaning of this Hadeeth is authentic without the phrase ' Its days are spent in fasting and its nights are spent in prayer' refer to Saheeh ibn Hibaab #3853 by al Albaanee.]  

أربع لم يكن يدعهن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : صيام عاشوراء ، والعشر ، وثلاثة أيام من كل شهر ، والركعتين قبل الغداة 

"Four things the Prophet - صلى الله عليه وسلم - never used to leave off; fasting on 'Aashooraa, the ten days of Dhul Hijjah, three days of every month and two Rak'aat before sunrise."

 [Inauthentic: Irwaa al Ghaleel 4/111 and Saheeh wa Da'eef Sunan an Nasaa-ee # 2416. However, there are other authentic narrations that show that the prophet (s.a.w) would never leave the 2 rak`ah before the Fajr salah, and that he used to fast three days of every month and of him fasting during Dhul Hijjah

كان يقال في أيام العشر : لكل يوم ألف يوم ، ويوم عرفة : عشرة أيام يوم ، يعني في الفضل 

"The Messenger - صلى الله عليه وسلم - used to say on the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah; 'For every day is [the reward of] a thousand days, and the day of 'Arafah is worth ten of those days in reward.'"
 [Inauthentic. Refer to: Da'eef at Targheeb wat Tarheeb 1/365]  

"أن شاباً كان صاحب سماع فكان إذا هل الهلال ذي الحجة أصبح صائما فأرسل إليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال ما يحملك على صيام هذه الأيام؟ قال بأبي وأمي يا رسول الله إنها أيام المشاعر وأيام الحج عسى الله عز وجل أن يشركني في دعائهم، فقال لك بكل يوم عدل مائة رقبة تعتقها، ومائة رقبة تهديها إلى بيت الله، ومائة فرس تحمل عليها في سبيل الله فإذا كان يوم التروية، فذلك عدل ألف رقبة، وألف بدنة، وألف فرس تحمل عليها في سبيل الله إذا كان يوم عرفة، فذلك عدل ألفي رقبة، وألفي بدنة، وألفي تحمل عليها في سبيل الله، وصيام سنتين قبلها، وسنتين بعدها 

 "Their was a young man who used to engage in singing, and if the moon of Dhul Hijjah is sighted he fast. The Messenger of Allaah - صلى الله عليه وسلم - sent for him and asked; 'What makes you fast these days?' He responded; 'They are the days of the Mashaa'ir and Hajj, I hope that Allaah the Mighty and Majestic would include me in their Du'aa.' He said: 'Every day you fast would be equal to freeing one hundred slaves…" to the end of the narration.

 [Fabricated, refer to: Al Mawdoo'aat: 2/111, Tanzeeh ash Sharee'ah: 2/148, al Fawaa-id al Majmoo'ah: 95]

في اول يوم من ذي الحجة غفر الله فيه لآدم ومن صام هذا اليوم غفر الله له كل ذنب
و في اليوم الثاني استجاب الله لسيدنا يوسف, ومن صام هذا اليوم كمن عبد الله سنة و لم يعص الله طرفة عين
و في اليوم الثالث استجاب الله دعاء زكريا , ومن صام هذا اليوم استجاب الله لدعاه
و في اليوم الرابع ولد سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام, ومن صام هذا اليوم نفى الله عنه الياس و الفقر و في يوم القيامة يحشر مع السفرة الكرام
و في اليوم الخامس ولد سيدنا موسى عليه السلام, و من صام هذا اليوم برئ من النفاق و عذاب القبر
و في اليوم السادس فتح الله لسيدنا محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام بالخير,و من صامه ينظر الله اليه بالرحمة و لا يعذبه أبدا
و في اليوم السابع تغلق فيه أبواب جهنم, و من صامه أغلق الله له ثلاثون بابا من العسر و فتح الله له ثلا ثين بابا من الخير
و في اليوم الثامن المسمى بيوم التروية و من صامه أعطي له من الأجر ما لا يعلمه إلا الله
و في اليوم التاسع و هو يوم عرفة من صامه يغفر الله له سنة من قبل و سنة من بعد
و في اليوم العاشر يكون عيد الأضحى و فيه قربان و ذبح ذبيحة و عند أول قطرة من دماء الذبيحة يغفر الله ذنوبه وذنوب أولاده. ومن أطعم فيه مؤمنا و تصدق بصدقة بعثه الله يوم القيامة آمنا و يكون ميزانه أثقل من جبل أحد 

"On the first day of Dhul Hijjah, Allaah forgave Adam, so whoever fasts this day would have all His sins forgiven by Allaah.

On the second day, Allaah responded to Yusuf, so whoever fasts this day, it is as if he worshiped Allaah for a whole year without ever disobeying him.

On the third day, Allaah responded to Zakariyyah's suplication, so whoever fasts on this day would have is supplication responded to…"

And likewise the khabar continues until the tenth day.

[This fabrication is propagated on online forums, pages and etc but a source for it could not be found. There are many such narrations such as the reward of Umrah when a husband and wife look at each other with love, or the reward of seventy sahaabas for those who are fighting in the land of Al-Aqsa and so on and so forth. The liars have attributed these narrations to Bukhaari/Tirmidhi and to Musnad Ahmad respectively.]

من صام يوم ثمان عشرة من ذي الحجة ؛ كتب له صيام ستين شهراً

"Whoever fasts on the 28th of Dhul Hijjah would have 60 months of fasting written for him…"
 [Inauthentic, refer to Silsilat al Ahaadeeth ad Da'eefah: 10/594]

كان إذا فاته شيء من رمضان ؛ قضاه في عشر ذي الحجة

"If the Messenger of Allaah - صلى الله عليه وسلم - missed some days in Ramadaan, he would make them up on Dhul Hijjah."

 [Inauthentic, refer to Silsilat al Ahaadeeth ad Da'eefah: 12/989. Though this hadeeth is weak but if someone wants to make up her or his missed fasts as per the condition he is subjected to, then he can make up for them during these days as well. this is acceptable and permitted in the light of Islamic Shar`iah] 

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