This small treatise is taken from : حكاية المناظرة في القرآن مع بعض أهل البدعة
The author of which is the famous : Imaam Ibn Qudaamah - بو محمد موفق الدين عبد الله بن أحمد بن محمد بن قدامة الجماعيلي المقدسي ثم الدمشقي الحنبلي، الشهير بابن قدامة المقدسي (المتوفى: 620هـ)
This treatise by this magnificent shaykh ul-Islaam is a very good refutation against the Ash`aris in specific comparing their belief system with that of the Atheist and refuting them using Qur`an and hadeeth. Also this is only for those students of knowledge who are aware of the belief of the Ashariyyah. Those who aren't, are requested to contact scholars and simultaneously study from their books. Without carrying both of these together it is recommended not to indulge in this subject except with the very basic of studying the `Aqeedah of Ahlus sunnah with regards to the Asmaa was-Sifaat and the Qur`an.
I'll post only a few short topics from in between that would serve the purpose of our blog post's subject in discussion . we haven't carried out the tahkeeq for the individual narrations but the comments of Imaam ibn Qudamah and the (partial and sometimes complete) referencing shall be provided with for now.
Proof of the Qur`anic verses consisting of letters from the narrations of the prophet (salallahu `alayhi wa sallam) and his companions (may allah be pleased with them all)