Monday, September 8, 2014

Weak Hadeeth # 15 - The people will need ulema even in jannah

أهل الجنة يحتاجون إلى العلماء، وذلك بأنهم يزورون ربهم في كل جمعة، فيقول: تمنوا فيلتفتون إلى العلماء فيقولون (3) : ما نتمنى؟ فيقولون: تمنوا عليه كذا وكذا، فهم يحتاجون إليهم في الجنة.

Rough translation

‘Indeed the inhabitants of Jannah will need the ‘Ulama therein. That is because they will visit Allah Ta’ala every Friday. Allah Ta’ala will say:

‘Ask from me what you wish’

The inhabitants of Jannah will then turn to the ‘Ulama to ask what should they wish for?

The ‘Ulama will answer them appropriately. Hence they will need the ‘Ulama in Jannah just as they needed them in the world.

[Ref: Musnad Firdows (1/2/269); Ibn `Asaakir (1/345/14); Ibn Dawalabi in Fadhail `ulema (2/115); and maybe quoted by others] 

Status : Fabricated 

1) Weakness 

There could be more than one but i'll just mention one. 

One of The narrator  in this chain  مجاشع بن عمرو [أبو يوسف] is a fabricator as reported both in Meezan al-`Itidaal (7066) as well as Leesan al-Meezan (6306( . 

1.1) Yahya ibn Ma`een said he is one of the liars 

قال ابن معين: قد رأيته أحد الكذابين.

1.2) Uqayli said his narrations are munkar

وقال العقيلي: حديثه منكر.

1.3) Imam bukhari said he is rejected and  unknown

قال البخاري: مجاشع بن عَمْرو أبو يوسف منكر مجهول

1.4) Imam Hakim said he is munkar ul-hadeeth

1.5) Abu Haatim ar-razee said his narrations are abandoned , weak and he is nothing 

1.6) Abu Haatim al-Busti said he used to fabricate ahadeeth against the thuqaat . it is not permitted to write from him

1.7) Abu Nua`aym in his hilyatul awliya mentioned him saying he is not to be relied upon

1.8) Ibn Taahir said he saw him fabricate narrations upon the thiqaat 

1.9) Imam ad-daraqutni mentioned him in his dhu`fa wal-Matrookeen 

1.10) Imam dhahabi and ibn hajar asqalani both said he used to fabricate narrations [see meezan al-`itidaal and leesan] 

2) Scholars verdict on this riwayat

2.1) Imam dhahabi rejected this hadeeth in Meezan (7066)

2.2) Imam ibn hajar also declared this to be a fabrication (Leesan 6306)

2.3) Shaykh al-Albaanee in silsilah dha`eefah (3172) grades this as fabrication

2.4) Imam suyuti and Mullah ali qaari also consider this to be a fabrication [Ref: Dhaylul La-ali, hadith: 198 & Al-Masnu’, hadith: 53. Also see Faydul Qadir, hadith: 2235]

 As for the virtues of scholars, their importance, and the obligation to study and take from them in matters of deen, then we have a lengthy article with ahadeeth and athaar both on this issue :

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Weak Hadeeth # 14 - The prophet visiting meraj with his shoes on

This is more of a story than a hadeeth.

Imam Abd al-Hayy Lakhnawi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in Al-Athar al-Marfu'ah:

الآثار المرفوعة ج:1 ص:36
ذكر بعض القصص المشهورة ولنذكر ههنا بعض القصص التي أكثر وعاظ زماننا ذكرها في مجالسهم الوعظية وظنوها أمورا ثابتة مع كونها مختلقة موضوعة فمنها ما يذكرون من أن النبي لما أسري به ليلة المعراج إلى السموات العلى ووصل إلى العرش المعلى أراد خلع نعليه أخذا من قوله تعالى لسيدنا موسى حين كلمه ((فاخلع نعليك إنك بالواد المقدس طوى)) فنودي من العلي الأعلى يا محمد لا تخلع نعليك فإن العرش يتشرف بقدومك متنعلا ويفتخر على غيره متبركا فصعد النبي إلى العرش وفي قدميه النعلان وحصل له بذلك عز وشأن وقد ذكر هذه القصة جمع من أصحاب المدائح الشعرية وأدرجها بعضهم في تأليف السنية وأكثر وعاظ زماننا يذكرونها مطولة ومختصرة في مجالسهم الوعظية وقد نص أحمد المقري المالكي في كتابه فتح المتعال في مدح خير النعال والعلامة رضي الدين القزويني ومحمد بن عبد الباقي الزرقاني في رح المواهب اللدنية على أن هذه القصة موضوع بتمامها قبح الله واضعها

He narrated some famous stories, out of which we mentioned some that are commonly narrated by most of the preachers of our age in their sermonic meetings and they consider it established facts in spite of them being fabricated and manufactured. One of them, they mention that when the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was flown in the night of Ma’iraj (celestial ascension) to the high heavens and reached to the Lofty Throne, he intended to take off his shoes considering the order of Allah to the Prophet Moses when he was addressed: “so remove your shoes; you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa”. So, he was called from the Lofty Court: O Muhammad! Do not remove your shoes as the Throne will take honour in your advent wearing shoes and will take it as pride and blessings before others. So, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) ascended the Throne with the shoes in his feet and thus he was granted honour and loftiness. This story was narrated by many poets who composed poems in praise of the Prophet while some have incorporated in their writings. Most of the sermonizers in our age, mention it in detail as well as in summary in their sermonic functions.

Ahmad al-Muqri Al-Maliki has expressed in his book Fathul Mut’al fi Mad’h Khair al-Ni’al, and 'Allamah Razi al-Din al-Qazwini and Muhammad bin Abd al-Baqi al-Zurqani in Sharah Mawahib al-Laduniyyah that all these stories are fabricated. May Allah uglify the fabricator!